I am thrilled to report that the True Body Project has had an amazing year.
I started the True Body Project in 2005 and it became a non-profit a couple years later. We are a small organization doing a whole lot of work. In 2010, we earned 14K via individual donations, ticket sales, residency honoraria, and licensing fees for our Curriculum Guide.
And in 2010, we accomplished the following:
* New York collaborators Cameron Anderson and Liza Zapol did an intensive, multi-week residency with GEMS, learning first-hand from survivors about sex trafficking in Harlem. They are finishing work on a short, animated film that was inspired by this work.
* True Body Project and Women Writing for (a) Change collaborated on a weekly class for teens. The girls created a performance work that was performed in November. Look forward to another teen class in January and a class for women in February!
* True Body Project enjoyed a third year with CincyFringe with its WALK IN OUR SHOES project. More than 100 people donated shoes and personal stories. We exhibited the shoes and stories at SWITCH on Vine Street and crafted the stories into a sold-out performance work for CincyFringe. We were nominated for Best Alternative Show by City Beat's CEA awards and reprised the show at the Museum Center and the Clifton Cultural Arts Center.
* I was in residence with EngAGE seniors and students in Los Angeles for the month of October and we created two performance works on the WALK IN OUR SHOES theme. We also created blogs to commemorate our time together and our stories. You can see stories of the Piedmont seniors and students here and the Burbank seniors and students here.
* Our Curriculum Guide was licensed in Canada, Tennessee, Vermont and more so that the True Body work is being done by girls and women in more and more places.
* We served as fiscal agent for a theatrical project and raised more than $3000 on Kickstarter to workshop a musical entitled THE VIVIAN GIRLS, which explores what happens to orphaned, adolescent girls.
* And, thanks to a generous donation from Lisa Stegman, I am able to fly to Phnom Penh in January to conduct True Body workshops with Transitions Global girls and their clinical staff. Transitions Global participated with our WALK IN OUR SHOES exhibit and performance by providing us the shoes and stories of three teens who survived sex trafficking. We still need help to fund expenses for this trip beyond air travel.
So we need your help to do our work. We operate with virtually no overhead and all of our funds go directly to putting on programs.
EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. Please visit the True Body Project website where you can make a donation via PayPal with one click.
Finally, if you want to experience what we do, join Rachel Roberts and me at the Yoga Bar on January 2nd for a three-hour True Body, New Year workshop. I assure you a meaningful experience.
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