So I only had one hour to spend today at the MamLuft&Company Dance Intensive but lucky me cuz it was an hour with Ka-Ron Brown Lehman.
I was STOKED because Ka-Ron is like, well, awesome, and also because my seven or so weeks of class with her have paid off. I felt completely able to execute the warm-ups and some of the bar-like floor work, sans bar. And of course the young dancers were also amazing but I was able to keep up. (They have also had about a million more hours of dance this week than me.)
But today reminded me that repetition pays off. As does immersion. Things get easier, then harder all over again. Then easier, then harder. And that is why the journey stays interesting.
Ka-Ron also reminded us to show our LOVE for dance in every movement, even in a warm up. She wanted the young dancers to show this love as they rehearse and as they audition. But for me, it was a great reminder that if I am not feeling love in my body for the form, I might as well get the heck out of the room because I am not doing it for any other reason than love.
Are you doing something you love without feeling and showing your love? I thought of about five things/people/places to which I need to bring this vibrancy and intention.
Thanks, Ka-Ron. xo
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