My son Nick Sharp (now in grad school for Public Health!) and I dancing in January.
Who knows what the future holds when you dance your way to happiness, right?
This year o' dance, in which I set out to dance my way into a new paradigm has definitely shifted from meditative waltz to exuberant quick step. (Yes. I watch DWTS.)
For those of you who have been following my journey, I am happy to report that in addition to feeling better than I have ever felt in my ENTIRE life, I am also engaged in a stunning array of activities that are bringing me both joy, connectivity, and financial abundance.
Let me give you a snapshot.
I kicked off the inaugural certification program on Sunday with a fantastic group of ten student/colleagues. We have two sessions coming up on Oct 23 and Oct 30 open to the public. The first session is on Spinal Health, with guest Dr. Peter Sturm, head of spine surgery at CCHMC. On Oct. 30, we will look Redefining Trauma, and see how stress and trauma habituate in the body. If you are interested in attending and of these, give me a shout at stacy@truebodyproject.org.
I also teach Wednesday nights at 7:30 and Saturday morning at 11 at The Yoga Bar. Come see me there and/or ask to set up a private to see how this simple system can change your life.
We are on a roll!! Sedalia schools in Missouri will pilot an in-school True Body Project curriculum this fall with girls in grades 5 through 12. We are creating a 60 page workbook for girls in Cambodia and in English-speaking countries who are working to re-integrate body and mind. This workbook will be co-created with Transitions Global and marketed widely.
I will travel to Los Vegas in November to participate in a fundraiser for the Frederick Douglas Family Foundation and their efforts to abolish human slavery. My wonderful friend Marty Walsh and Trifecta Gallery will host.
I will travel back to Cambodia in January 2012, a year after I started this blog and my dance adventure. I will again work with the Transitions Global girls and deliver them their new workbooks.
We have started a column called ACTIVISTA with A-Line Magazine online. Here is a link to our first column by True Body alum Lily Raphael featuring JaHipster. Look for one a month from True Body girls and women, featuring activists we love and admire.
Fingers crossed that a NY workshop in cooperation with the Folk Art Museum will happen in 2012. I am working on a new project with Alison Vodnoy and Heather Britt. Working title Dis(Embody).
I have an alter-ego persona chatting on a local blog with some yarn bombing women you know. May Hem is the original hot mess but she has a heart of gold. Check it out. Here.
I am also the luckiest dancer on the planet to get to assist the Cincinnati Ballet with new marketing ideas for their NEW NUTCRACKER! Buy your ticket now. I am not kidding.
I also get to do writing projects with some of this town's best and brightest minds in design, branding, marketing, innovation and the arts. Thanks to LPK, PPS, RED, Fever, ArtWorks and Lightborne for letting me play with you.
So for those of you who may have worried a bit when I posted about my financial situation and then about my friends who help me stay sane and then didn't say a peep for a good many weeks, I have been gloriously busy.
I dance at least four times a week. I move my body and my mind with people I admire. I sleep 8 hours a night without waking up once. I am engaged in what I love.
The year I danced is the year I reinvented joy and abundance.
More soon. But thanks for reading and cheering me on.
So for those of you who may have worried a bit when I posted about my financial situation and then about my friends who help me stay sane and then didn't say a peep for a good many weeks, I have been gloriously busy.
I dance at least four times a week. I move my body and my mind with people I admire. I sleep 8 hours a night without waking up once. I am engaged in what I love.
The year I danced is the year I reinvented joy and abundance.
More soon. But thanks for reading and cheering me on.
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