I have been moving full steam ahead on so many projects. Thanks to all our VIVIAN GIRLS supporters for funding us on Kickstarter.
And thanks also to everyone who worked to make TEDx a success and special thanks to Debbie, Mom, Nick, Andrea and Pete plus the TEDx team for listening to me practice. What I wanted yesterday to feel like was exactly how it felt: like I was centered in a room with people I am connected to, sharing my experience, strength and hope. I felt that times a billion.
Today I finally took time to slow down, lay in the sun on my porch, read the HUNGER GAMES, cry a bit, make friends with the birds, and think about what love is and what love isn't. That is a fine Easter Sunday practice, don't you think?
Tomorrow I will meet a new group of girls at the Academy of World Languages as we start our after school time together in a True Body Project experience.
Before that, Nick Sharp is having ACL surgery in the morning. So say a prayer for easy fixes and a speedy recovery. I am off to fetch him so Mom, Nick and I can stare at the beautiful sky together and eat some Easter-ish fare.
All in all, just a brief note to say thank you. And you. And you.
I hope you are finding your own beauty and gratitude this Easter Sunday with people who love you.
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